
We have the staff highly qualified and experienced in the installation of asphalt layers.

Pavements perform the following lines:

  • Hot Folder ASPHALT.
  • Flexible Pavements polymer.
  • Autopistas / Carreteras / Avenidas.
  • Highways / Roads / Avenues.
  • Beaches parking.
  • Patching.
  • Sport fields.

Our team has extensive knowledge that the pavement structure is constituted by a set of relatively horizontal superimposed layers, which are designed and built technically suitable materials and properly compacted.

Given the higher percentage of car accidents, they are related to the deterioration of streets, asphalt tracks; then it is very important to prolong the life of pavements. Each year an increasing number of heavy vehicles traveling routes, which exponentially accelerates wear on the roads, which motivates us to seek an alternative to the current structure, it can achieve by studying potential changes in their designs, so that the wear caused by vehicles affects only the surface layer and does not generate structural damage. Whose benefits will be reflected both in road safety and economy.